Netopia R2020 Dual Analog Default IP Address, Default Username, Default Password

About Netopia

Netopia offers complete broadband solution for home owners and small businesses. They provide a complete line of products for networking connections such as wired and wireless routers, modems, gateways and DSL. They also specialize in digital services such as VOIP and multi-media. The company was acquired by Motorola in 2007 as a way to expand their market for VOIP and digital media.

Netopia R2020 Dual Analog Router Image

Router Default Settings


What Is a Wireless Router

Learn what a wireless router is and how it helps you connect to the Internet at home so that you can share files, surf online, chat, or do work. Read More

Basic Home Router Setup

Learn how to setup a basic home router so that you can access the Internet. Read about the easy steps you can take to configure the router properly. Read More