Gigabyte GN-B41G Wireless Default IP Address, Default Username, Default Password

About Gigabyte

Gigabyte is a Taiwan based electronics manufacturer established in 1986. They started as a research group and focused their manufacturing capabilities to motherboards and graphic cards. But the company eventually branched out to manufacture computer peripherals, notebooks and laptops and networking devices such as routers. They are one of the most recognized brands in the market when it comes to computer peripherals and their routers are known to adapt to latest market demands.

Gigabyte GN-B41G Wireless Router Image

Router Default Settings


What Is a Wireless Router

Learn what a wireless router is and how it helps you connect to the Internet at home so that you can share files, surf online, chat, or do work. Read More

Basic Home Router Setup

Learn how to setup a basic home router so that you can access the Internet. Read about the easy steps you can take to configure the router properly. Read More