
About Osicom

A recognized named in enterprise-level networking solutions, Osicom was established in 1993 and quickly made its presence felt by assisting telecommunication companies in their networking needs. Osicom changed its name to Sorrento Technologies in 2001 and the company was acquired by Zhone Technologies in 2004. It became an independent entity in 2008 with the focus of providing powerful networking lines such as “GigaMux Line, GigaEdge Line and GigaCraft Line”

» Osicom Default Router Settings List

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Our Database contains 1 Osicom Router with default settings Show all Osicom routers without default settings

  1. Osicom JETXPrint 1000E/B

    Product Name, User Name, Password, Description. Osicom JETXPrint - 1000E/B. sysadm, sysadm. - Admin access (Telnet). Osicom JETXPrint - 1000E/N