
About maxdata

Maxdata was founded in 1987 and is based in Marl, Germany. The company’s main line of interest is in storage systems, displays, servers, peripheral devices, routers, workstations, and a host of others. Under the Belinea and Maxdata Brands, the company has been able to record bumper sales. The year 2008 marked a low turning point in the history of the company when it filed for Insolvency.

» maxdata Default Router Settings List

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Our Database contains 1 maxdata Router with default settings Show all maxdata routers without default settings

  1. maxdata 7000x 7000x

    MAXDATA Pro 7000X. 29.09.03/ Version 1.0. Prozessor(en): I/O Port(s). CPU SpeedStep Funktion ja. Wireless Lan ja 802.11b. CPU Speed. 1400 MHz